Thursday, November 11, 2004

Heh, check this out.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

oh my god.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The funniest things I remember about Joey:

;1 ----= (<-- fork)
Jay and Silent Bob & the OP
South Haven & Jumping in the Lake & Then driving home, soaked
Buick Roadmaster
"What the hell? A wheel just fell off my car"
The first time I saw the "joey as a haunted house" picture
Joey drinking (doesn't matter where)

hahahhahha buick roadmaster hahahahhahahhahhaha hahhahhahhahah god that's funny hahhahahhahha

Monday, November 08, 2004

I want some lovin'.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Memories from Jackie:

-dying jon's hair
-dying ryans hair
-stopping by to see jon (when he had short hair) and saying hi because he was mad because i went to visit joey one time and i didn't stop by to say hi because i was scared of jon because he was very intimidating
-there was a couch and a keg on top of my car once
-knocking instead of walking in
-sleeping under the loft while jen and ryan were making out...wait that wasn't a good memory
-watching RAW
-getting drunk at the house :)
-shoveling the driveway before new years...only to do it again and again before jon got back to kzoo.
-going over to 2116 before I moved into my dorm sophomore year and having jon tell me it's ok....then we moved all my stuff in.
-eating cool chicken and stuffed pepper dinners
-coming over at 5:30 in the morning because Rico and his stupid friends were staying at our dorm
-talking to ryan for the first time about motorcycles
-leslie - what the hell were you two thinking?
-getting really drunk with my mom

wow, we did a lot at that house.

the funniest memory I think I have of jon was when he was helping me move into my dorm, sophomore year. I had this hairspray in a small bag of which jon grabbed with about a million other things and at one point the big bags swung around him and hit the bag, spraying hairspray up his nose. Oh my god, it was so funny, I still can't talk about that without laughing. jon you're so cool.